A professional biography is in effect a high level credibility statement designed to reassure the reader very quickly that you have the relevant experience and expertise.

A professional biography can be:

  • A description of you as an employee on a company Facebook page or other company literature
  • A description of you in a brochure
  • A description of you on a book jacket, should you write a book
  • A description of you on your website if self-employed.

A lot depends on the clarity and quality of your marketing material – and this is where, with our help, you can learn how to repackage yourself. applebyassociates.com/marketing-stage/


Tips for Writing a Professional Biography

Like your CV, brevity is everything. You don’t have long to get the recipient’s attention, so always keep that uppermost in your mind.

It has to be visually appealing and easy to read. Think of the blurb on the back of the last book that you read before deciding if you were going to buy it, you need to create the same.

Write it in the first person initially, then ideally give it to someone else to translate into the third person. Once you have the translated version, ask yourself the following question: “If this had been written about someone else, would I read it to the end?”

If yes, then you are there, if no, then it will need some further work.

Note, the first person version could be tweaked to be used on LinkedIn, which is another advantage to writing it in the first person initially.

For practical advice and support in creating your marketing material, including your Biography contact us to see how we could help.


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